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Lent 2020: Day Eight

Today was my MOPS Day.  MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and this year, I'm the Coordinator for the Council Bluffs Group.  It's been a ton of fun, but it's also a lot of work.  And a lot of dedication.  We had planned for today's meeting to be our Annual Service Project and this year, we decided to center it around "gratitude" and "community".  We decided to make Thank You's for some of our Community Organizations who put our city and our families at the forefront of their missions.  And then we were going to deliver them.

When I got up this morning, I was greeted with a "Mommy, I don't feel well.  Can I stay home with you and not go to school?" from my 4-year old son.  I felt his forehead.  He was burning up.  30 seconds later, our thermometer confirmed his statement---he had a temperature of 101.2.  Great.  No MOPS for me.

But, as the Coordinator, I felt an obligation to my group!  This was our Service Project Day!  I needed to be there!  I took a deep breath, thought for an extra minute, and realized, if it weren't for my son; I would have no reason to be in MOPS.  I wouldn't have a preschooler.  I knew where I really needed to be.

I let my girls know that I would come and help set things up and then I had to go home and miss out on the meeting.  I entrusted our carefully thought out plans to the rest of my Steering Team.  Friends, the struggle is real on this one.  I hate not being in control and I hate throwing things onto others when they aren't expecting it.  I also hated not being able to carry out the vision I had for this Service Project.  But you know what?  This Service Project wasn't for me.  It was for our MOPS Moms.  It was for our Community.  And you know what else?  These ladies totally rocked it out!  (If you want to see some pictures, click here for the post!)

Whatever my vision was for the Thank You cards and flowers, it doesn't matter.  These Moms rallied, HAD FUN, FEARED LESS, and FOUND THEIR PEOPLE and they did it without me.  Because---it's not about ME.  And what they produced was a million times better than what my vision could have even been.  I'm so proud.  I'm so darn GRATEFUL for them.  I'm freaking incredibly blessed and thankful for my MOPS Community.  My village.  My tribe.

But you know what else?  I'm even more grateful that I was able to stay at home with my boy.  I am even more blessed that I didn't have to worry about daycare or work or rearranging schedules.  I was able to delegate, let go, and then just be with him.  Take care of him.  And I never once felt guilty.  I never once felt bad.  I never once felt like I should be anywhere other than with him.  All I felt was pure, incredible gratitude.


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